Enough Rope

I have heard comedians including Billy Connolly and Mel Brooks (on last week’s Enough Rope) say that anything can be funny. Still, the program guide listing for tonights Enough Rope has an interesting contrast: Andrew Denton talks to six war veterans, including a war widow. Comedy I am sure that if anyone can bring out…

New Look

I decided that it was time for a new look. There hasn’t been any new content for a while, so I thought a style change might fool people into thinking something was actually happening. The graphic at the top of the page came from iStockPhoto.

You know you are old when…

What is it with kids today and their crazy hairstyles, baggy pants and weird video games? Finding myself with half an hour to kill before watching a movie (Lost in Translation – it is excellent) on George St today I thought, “I know, I’ll have a few games of pinball”. I could only find one…

The first $2.00 is the hardest

iStockPhoto is a stock photo library where royalty free images can be downloaded for US$0.50 to US$1.50. The images are uploaded by amateur (and professional) photographers who get one fifth of the download fee as a royalty (i.e. 10-30 cents). Once you have earned $100 they will send you a cheque. So far I have…

Another CD not purchased

Once again I held a CD in my hand yesterday that I would have proceeded to purchase had it not been copy protected. Another $22 lost for the legitimate music business. Of course I am sure that I could still go and find the music for free on one of the file-sharing networks. While we…

No Linker for you!

Anthony refers to a piece by Joel about the lack of a linker in .Net Almost everything in Joel’s article could be said about Java too. At least with Java you get true platform independence in exchange for your pain

I hope someone got this on video

A dead, 50-tonne sperm whale has exploded in a busy street in Taiwan, showering passers-by in blubber, blood and innards. The 17-metre whale died after beaching itself and was being hauled to a research station through Tainan City on Wednesday on a flat-bed truck. Thar she blows!

Copy Protection Cost Counter

I have decided to keep a running total of the number of CDs that I have not purchased due to copy protection. It is just over there, on the side of the page. I have started with a quick estimate since I haven’t been keeping records. I will keep better track from now on. This…

At last a Wireless Hotspot at the right price

We went for dinner at the Harbour View Hotel in The Rocks last night. They had a sign on the door advertising that they had a PubNet wireless hotspot installed. Best of all the price per hour is zero, nada, zilch. The theory seems to be that you will attract more people to your pub…

Anthony’s trackback System

Anthony Hicks has added a trackback system to his blog. This record should ping the entry that announced it: anthonyjhicks.com – weblog – TrackBack